Saturday, August 22, 2009

Maxine Waters' Town Hall

August 22, 2009--Me and Tinq attended a town hall meeting at Southwestern College in Los Angeles, CA to hear what folks had to say about the hot button topic of Health Care Reform. Congresswoman Maxine Waters was the featured speaker along with a panel of distinguished guests including health care professionals who administer to the greater Los Angeles area. The energy was static and you could feel the urgency of the standing room only crowd in the theater as people lined up for a turn to voice their opinion on the mic. Their intent: to ask congresswoman Waters pointed questions or simply tell their stories of human betrayal by insurance companies and the current archaic system which fails to deliver adequate health care to themselves and their family--often resulting in death, dismemberment or permanent disability due to pre-existing conditions, lack of adequate coverage or sheer neglect. Here's a list of questions we asked the crowd of over 300 people
  1. Can you afford health care?
  2. How would government universal health care reform help you, your family, your community?
  3. Why do you think people oppose health care reform?
  4. What did you think about the town hall meeting?
  5. Did it help you better understand or clear up issues concerning the reform bill?
  6. How will you act from this day forward?
  7. What do you think other industrialized countries think about the current U.S. debate?
The Health Care Bill is a document of over 1100 pages. One of Congresswoman's Walters Aides simplified the Bill to large posters displayed on the stage, which made it easily comprehesible to the audience. The town hall meeting was highly informative and brought a regional swath of the country together who are concerned with the lack of adequate and accessible care. Most thought that Health Care should be a right like the 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech. One of the doctors on the panel gave the WHO (World Health Organization) definition of Health which includes mental, physical, social, spiritual and economic well being. A concensus of all who attended when asked about those who oppose Health Care was fear and ignorance. One woman was appalled that no major media outlet covered the town hall meeting, especially because Congresswoman Waters hosted the event. We spoke with a young mother who informed us that Kennedy, her baby daughter, was in danger of not having health care benefits due to state budget cuts. When asked what other countries thought about the current U.S. debate, Raul said that they probably think we are ignorant bullies. He has friends and family members in Mexico and Spain and and other places that have free health care. He commented on the irony of America going around the world engaging in war and telling everyone else how to run their affairs, but sadly...we can't even provide health care for our own.